What is a water pipe? There’s a good chance that you’re simply more familiar with some of the devices’ other names. Specifically, we’re sure you’ve heard the word “bong,” which is the most popular type of water pipe.
Many marijuana novices assume that bongs are reserved for the professionals, as the larger construction and interconnecting parts can leave users relatively intimidated. Fortunately, there’s no need to worry. Even if you’ve never previously smoked cannabis, a bong is a perfect way to get your first high.
Below, we’ve explored all of the various details of water pipes and bongs, including uses, benefits, parts, and even a brief cleaning tutorial. Take a look at all of the information, and you’ll be fully prepared the first or next time you use a bong.
Benefits of a Bong
There’s a long list of benefits for smoking a bong, including advantages for both long-term smokers and novices.
For starters, traditional paper (like joints or blunts) or non-water pipes can be a bit harsh, burning the users throat. The hot air is unavoidable with these smoking devices, but a water pipe will eliminate many of these issues. Thanks to the water, the smoke will be cooler and smoother. This leads to an easier, more tolerable smoke, thus improving your entire smoking experience.
Furthermore, there are some minimal health impacts of smoking via a water pipe. When you’re smoking via paper, you’re not only inhaling flower; rather, you’re also smoking the cigarette/cigar paper (and all of the accompanying chemicals and flavors). If you’re only looking to inhale marijuana smoke, then a bong is the way to go.
Plus, if you’re a social/functional weed smoker, then you’re probably familiar with how smelly those unfinished blunts and joints can be. However, a bong doesn’t preserve those smoky smells, and the lesser-amount of smoke will eliminate any of that lingering, smokey scent.
Finally, if you’re really looking to get high, there may not be a better way of doing so than via a bong. Thanks to the water, users will find that their hits are a bit more potent. Furthermore, thanks to the larger engineering of the glass, you’ll have more space to trap the smoke, thus leading to larger hits. In other words, prepare for a much different experience than you would get from smoking a joint.
The Anatomy of a Bong
When you first lay eyes on a bong, it can be a bit overwhelming. There can be a number of different interconnecting parts, leading to users being a bit intimidated by the contraption. Of course, there’s nothing to be scared of, as the water pipe works similarly to your traditional non-water pipe.
The bowl is where the marijuana will sit, and this is where the combustion (burning) will take place. The bowl will also be the most common way for the smoke to escape the bong and enter your lungs. We’ll touch on this below.
The stem allows the burned marijuana smoke to enter the water, and the chamber will quickly fill with a milky-white smoke. Then, up top, your mouth will be sitting on the base/mouth-piece, which allows the smoke to enter your lungs.
There are a number of common inclusions that users will find in iterations of water pipes. The percolator and inline will diffuse the smoke, thus filtering and cooling (improving) your impending hit. The splash guard prevents water from entering up the chamber into your mouth.
Finally, the ice holder is an indent in the long chamber that’s capable of storing ice (without the ice entering the bowl of water). When the bong contains ice, users will experience a colder, more refreshing hit.
How to Smoke a Bong
Despite how intimidating it may look, smoking a bong is incredibly easy. In reality, smoking from a bong really only requires two parts.
Using a lighter, light the marijuana in the bowl while sucking in via the mouthpiece. This will slowly fill the chamber with smoke, preparing it to be inhaled.

Remove the bowl from the stem, and suck in the smoke until the bong is clear or you have had enough. Of course, remember that the longer you sit without pulling the bowl, the more the chamber will fill up with smoke. This could lead to an unexpectedly-giant hit, which could be dangerous for less-experienced smokers.
Many smaller bongs don’t include stems or removable bowls. Instead, users will hold a carb as they’re lighting/sucking in. This is similar to a traditional glass pipe, with the major difference being the water filtering. When users are ready to inhale, they’ll take their thumb off of the carb, and the user will have to clear the bong of smoke.
What About Bubblers?
If you’re walking through a glass store, there’s a good chance that you’ll come across bubblers. These are similar to bongs, but they’re more portable and a whole lot smaller. They look like a tobacco pipe but have more chambers. Bubblers ultimately serve the same purpose as a bong; they provide users with a strong hit due to the use of the water.
If you’re a bit intimidated by a bong (or if the bong is a bit out of your budget), then a bubbler is a perfect choice. Don’t forget that bubblers are a bit more difficult to clean, so it’s a good idea to protect your bowl with a screen.
As you’ll learn over time, bongs and water pipes come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. However, when all is said and done, these devices all serve the same purpose: giving you a high.
If you’re seeking a smoking experience that’s as healthy as possible and delivers a soft, tolerable hit, then consider opting for a water pipe the next time you smoke. Of course, if you’re a new smoker, make sure you’re with a friend and in a safe place, because there’s a good chance you’re going to get a solid high.

Cleaning a Bong
After using a bong for a while, you’ll find that the device starts to become stained from the smoke. The water will also be compromised, as there’s a good chance that it will soon be full of ash from your burned cannabis. Finally, your bowl and stem will become clogged with resin, thus leading to a reduced hit.
Fortunately, cleaning a bong isn’t all that difficult. For starters, in order to get the most out of your bong, it’s important to perform frequent maintenance. For instance, you should change the water frequently; besides improving the quality of your hits, you’ll also find that the bong’s strong scent will quickly be eliminated. Meanwhile, cleaning out your bowl after every use will assure that it doesn’t become clogged with resin. If you need to clean your bong, there are a number of ways you can go about doing so. Before you use your method of choice, make sure you’ve emptied the bong of any water, and separate any of the removable parts.
Salt and rubbing alcohol should easily remove any of the grime from your bong, although you could opt for vinegar and rice/baking soda. Once you’ve filled the bong with your solution, simply shake the pipe and then let it briefly sit. Before long, all of the grime will be gone.
Hot water and soap is obviously an easy way to clean the glass, although this admittedly takes a bit longer. This method is probably your best bet for cleaning the bowl, as soaking the smaller piece can be more effective than the salt/alcohol strategy.
There is a lot to be learned about smoking using a bong or other devices. It is best to work your way up slowly and to take your time exploring different delivery methods as they can all affect you differently. Bongs, if used right, can be a great method for new users as they are easy to use but it’s best to take smaller hits at first.