The hookah craze may be fading, but the actual smoking device is still relatively popular among tobacco and marijuana enthusiasts. While the hookah is usually used as an alternative to bongs, glass pipes, and papers, this Persian tool has proven to be a great choice for those looking to shake up their marijuana-smoking experience. Whether you’re a hookah veteran or came here via a “what is a hookah” search, we’ve provided all of the basic information you could possibly need.
First, we explore the actual device and the shisha. Next, we dive into marijuana and how everyone’s favorite flavor can be smoked via this creative water pipe.
Essentially, a hookah is a water pipe, and it works similarly to a traditional bong. However, it’s the heating method that specifically separates this device from an ordinary pipe.
Shisha (or tobacco) is packed into a bowl atop the pipe, and the bowl is then covered in tin foil. After poking holes into the foil, users will place hot charcoal at the top of the pipe. The heat from the charcoal will make it’s way to the bowl, and this will heat up the shisha.
By sucking on the hose (or the mouthpiece), you’ll be adding some circulation to the entire contraption, allowing the charcoal and tobacco to remain burning. The smoke is then softened by the water bowl, and the smoke is then sent through the hose into your lungs. The shisha is more effective when it burns slowly, so puffing the hookah like a traditional pipe won’t give you the whole effect. Instead, slow, long drags are suggested for maximum effect.
Advantages of Hookah
Hookahs are one of the most popular and prevalent smoking devices in the world, and for very good reason. The pipe provides users with a number of advantages that standard pipes and bongs do not.
For starters, Shisha comes in a variety of different flavors, a factor that is especially appealing to those who aren’t big fans of smoking or tobacco. Plus, the effects of a hookah hit are a bit different than using, say, a traditional non-water pipe. A hookah gives users a bit of a head rush, and this can even be used to stimulate a temporary high. Hookah bars generally serve alcohol, and the effects of the booze can also be emphasized because of the shisha.

Furthermore, considering the slow-burning nature of the hookah, the shisha, and the charcoals, this device has become associated with social settings. There are plenty of hookah bars set up around the world, and groups can take their time as they enjoy a couple of bowls of tobacco in a plethora of flavors.
Disadvantages of Hookah
Similar to most smoking apparatuses, there aren’t many disadvantages when it comes to using a hookah pipe. Primarily, the disadvantages are more associated with misconceptions.
For instance, many users believe that a hookah is a healthy alternative to cigarette smoking, which isn’t the case. While shisha isn’t always mixed with nicotine, the charcoal (and the accompanying carbon monoxide) predictably isn’t all that healthy for users. Plus, when you consider the sharing aspect of the device, you should consider who you are sharing with and who used the equipment before you as some diseases are transmitted orally.
Of course, similar to a cigar, you’re not going to be compromising your lifespan by occasionally taking hits from a hookah. However, if you intend to smoke shisha every day, you should consider the negative impact on your health.
What About Weed?
Of course, you presumably haven’t come here to learn all about shisha and tobacco. Rather, we’re sure you’re wondering how marijuana fits into the conversation.
Smoking marijuana out of a hookah is relatively common. There are generally two methods that users can opt for, with each of these options accompanied by their own advantages and disadvantages.
Some users will simply fill their bowl with marijuana instead of shisha, and then they’ll use the hookah normally. However, if you’re working with a giant bowl, there’s a good chance that the weed won’t last all that long; the charcoal should ignite the flower almost immediately, leaving you and your friends with only a couple of hits. Alternatively, the coals might have a tougher time burning through a small pinch of marijuana (as opposed to a bowl packed full of tobacco). As a result, you’ll find that the hits aren’t as dense or thick, and the bowls will only last for a moment (as opposed to hours).
The more common practice of using a hookah to get high involves sprinkling some marijuana on top of your shisha. Your hits will still primarily be tobacco, and there’s a good chance that the shisha’s flavor will overpower the flavor of the weed. However, this is a clever way to assure that your bowl lasts you for a while and assuming you’ve scattered your ground marijuana throughout the tobacco bowl, each hit should give you a bit of a buzz.
There are few frequent marijuana smokers who use hookahs as their primary way of inhaling marijuana. However, if you’re looking to shake things up a bit, the hookah could provide you with a fun alternative.

Things To Consider When Purchasing a Hookah
If you’re mostly looking to shake things up and attempt smoking marijuana via a hookah, then any generic variation of the hookah will work. Simply remember the advice we provided above as you’re looking to get high, and you shouldn’t have a problem finding a proper fit as any local corner store.
However, if you’re looking to make hookah your primary way of inhaling cannabis, then there are a variety of things you should consider as you’re shopping around for your new pipe. If you don’t consider these factors, you could find yourself wasting some of the precious (and expensive) marijuana.
For starters, marijuana generally leaves a stickier, messier resin than tobacco. As a result, you’ll find that your hookah is much harder to clean, especially if it’s plastic. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to opt for a glass pipe, as the resin should clear out following some extensive cleaning. There are plenty of different methods for cleaning glass pipes, but salt water and/or vinegar are prevalent suggestions.
Furthermore, you should find a bowl that fits your desired hits. In other words, unless you’re incredibly rich, or growing marijuana in your backyard, you won’t want a giant bowl; after all, your marijuana stash will disappear quickly. Instead, search for a smaller bowl, and then find a hookah that accommodates this piece of the puzzle. If you’re operating with a smaller hookah, then you’ll be required to use less coal. If you’re required to use less coal, there’s a better chance that you’ll receive a traditional weed-smoking experience. See how this works?
As we’ve mentioned numerous times, hookahs generally aren’t the best choice if you’re looking for a primary smoking device for marijuana. However, if you’re looking to shake up your daily hits, then a hookah is a fun way to inhale the cannabis. The hookah is also the perfect choice for social settings, and sprinkling some weed on your shisha should make your next party a hit!
Regardless of how you’re combing your future hookah and your cannabis, the information above should help you get the most out of your pipe and plant.