Blunts, bongs, joints forget them. If you’re seeking the utmost convenience during your next (or first) smoking excursion, there’s no better way to do so than via a glass pipe. What is a glass pipe? Well, we’re here to answer that question.
A glass pipe is typically referred to as a “bowl.” It looks like a fatter or thicker version of a tobacco pipe and is usually sold as a tobacco smoking device. A glass pipe will come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but the basic pipe is multicolored glass with one end you can smoke from, and the other meant for packing in cannabis flower.
Below, we’ve explained all of the nuances of this beloved smoking contraption. Specifically, we dive into the various parts of the pipe, how to smoke out of it, and the various accessories you’ll need.
Parts of a Pipe
Glass pipes come in a number of different shapes and sizes. However, when all is said and done, a glass pipe will generally consist of four main parts: the bowl, the carb, the chamber, and the mouthpiece.
The Bowl
This is where you pack in your cannabis flower before it’s burned, sent through the pipe, and into your lungs. Bowls will differ in shapes and sizes, but they’ll generally be rounded so your weed won’t fall out. At the bottom of the bowl is a small hole, which is where the cannabis smoke will start to flow into the chamber.
The Carb
Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as lighting the cannabis, you need to follow one extra step. On the side of the bowl, you will see a small hole, this is called the carb. While lighting the cannabis, you’ll want to hold on to the carb. When you’re ready to inhale, release the hole, breathe in through the mouthpiece, and the smoke will stream into your lungs.

The Mouthpiece
This sits at the end of the chamber and is where you put your mouth. Users inhale from here as they’re lighting the bowl (and holding the carb). Then, when you’re confident that the chamber is full of enough smoke, you’ll release the carb while you inhale.
Advantages of Pipes
Unless you’ve opted for an artsy, expensive pipe, there’s a good chance that your pipe can easily sit in your pocket. That’s the major advantage of smoking via one; it can really be used anytime or anywhere (anywhere that it is legal, that is). While a water pipe is generally too large to lug around and blunts are small, but they tend to have a strong odor, a glass pipe provides unmatched convenience.
Another advantage of a traditional pipe is the social aspect. Assuming the bowl is full enough, multiple people should be able to get a hit from a single packed bowl. This can really apply to any type of smoking device (especially papers), but the added convenience makes it the perfect choice for groups.
How to Smoke
This might sound a bit silly for experienced pipe smokers, but first-timers occasionally struggle when it comes to smoking out of a pipe. Fortunately, it’s incredibly easy.
Before you start smoking, we’d suggest playing around with the lighter a little bit to get a complete feel for the flame. Lighting your weed is one of the most important aspects of smoking out of a pipe, and you don’t want to burn all of the flower on your first burn. Plus, depending on the shape of the pipe, you might not be able to hold the lighter traditionally. This means you could inadvertently burn yourself, which isn’t fun when you’re about to get high. By understanding your light’s flame, you can be assured that you’re ready to tackle the bowl.
When it’s finally time to start burning, many users suggest “cornering” the bowl. This means the user will only burn a small “corner” of the bowl, thus saving some fresh, unburned herb for other users. However, once the pipe has been smoked a few times, you’re going to find that your bowl is filled with ash. An experienced user will find a way to “cherry” the weed pack, meaning that the weed will continue to slowly burn beneath the top layer of ash. This preserves the longevity of that weed pack, allowing you to get the most out of your final few hits.
If you’re a first-time smoker, you may find that the smokey hits are a bit harsh on the back of your throat. There are a few ways to remedy this situation. For starters, while you can never completely eliminate the heat that comes from smoke, placing your pipe in a freezer before use should play a role in cooling down everything. Meanwhile, if you find that bits of weed is being sent through the chamber and into your mouth, you should consider buying some screens (which we’ve elaborated on below).
What You’ll Need
As you’re preparing to smoke, you’re obviously going to want to grab a couple of things: your cannabis, your pipe, and your lighter. However, there are some accessories that will make your smoking experience a whole lot better.
As we briefly touched on, screens are a clever way to assure that your weed isn’t entering your chamber. Without screens, the burned weed or ash will fall into the chamber, and that means it’s making its way into your mouth and the back of your throat. A screen will assure that the weed (and ash) stays in the bowl for the entirety of your smoking experience. Plus, since the ash is remaining in your bowl, you’ll have a better chance of maintaining a cherry (which we previously discussed).

Another useful accessory is a grinder. Users can simply stick a weed of bud into a bowl and expect to get good results; the weed is too dense to burn properly, and you’ll also be wasting much of the bud. A grinder will break down the marijuana into easily-transferable pinches, and it assures that you get the most of your plant.
Speaking of a grinder, the bottom chamber of the tool will collect keef, which is a concentrated type of cannabis that has a dust-type consistency. Since this is concentrated, it will provide a more effective high. Many users like to sprinkle some keep on top of the actual plant, allowing them to maximize their entire smoking experience. Of course, be careful – this keef can be very, very potent.
Glass pipes are arguably the most popular way of smoking marijuana, and they’re common at any corner store or smoking-centric business. Best of all, they’re not all that expensive, and they don’t require a whole lot of maintenance. If you’re looking for a convenient way to enjoy your cannabis, then you should consider opting for a glass pipe for your next smoking experience.